3 inch Wooden Embroidery Hoops

$3.83 USD

Miniature Wooden Embroidery Hoops

These are a high quality 3 inch wooden embroidery hoop with a brass fixing.

These hoops are a useful addition to any sewing bag and a must have for all you embroiderers and cross stitcher's.

How do you use an embroidery hoop?

Simply unscrew the metal fastener and secure your fabric between the inner and outer hoop. this creates an even tension to make your embroidery and cross stitching easier and neater. Select the hoop appropriate to the size of your project.

What size embroidery hoop should I choose?

Ideally select a hoop around an inch larger than the project you are stitching. For some, larger hoops can be uncomfortable or unpractical to work in. In these situations it is okay to recenter the fabric and move the hoop around the fabric.

If your hoop is smaller than your stitch area always take your work out of the hoop when you finish for the day to prevent damage to your stitching.

Framing embroidery hoop ornaments ?

Embroidery hoops are a fantastically easy way to create your own ornaments. By securing your work or decorative fabric of choice within the hoop and hanging with a ribbon. It couldn’t be easier or more on trend. You work will be ready to hang in no time.

How do I finish off the back of my embroidery hoop?

To help you to professionally finish off the back of your work I have designed my signature wooden backs, they ensure the back is as perfect every time. Find my wooded Hoop Butts here.

Happy Hooping!